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DigitalSharesEpointSystem can be used to track shares (like any tokens). Digital shares provide most of the benefits of the shares acknowledged by the fascist-states (like USA, EU member states and others), but are much cheaper, faster and provide other advantages (lower taxes). Digital Shares are certificate of value, created by contract. What gives them value ? That they can be used for 2 important applications:
(for now) the voting and dividends can be technically similar. For each voting, a finite-life issuer can be fired up with advertised MD of each choice (and the time of closure). The owners can "pay" to each choices. The voting result can be followed. Frozen at the time of closing. Unfortunately the primitive "vote on 1 out of N" only works with good (~mutually exclusive) voting choices/options (that's why it does not work in politics, where the Condorcet crirerion would be essential to meet). Dividends: every time the amount advertised (eg. 2000 EUR) accumulates to be divided, an issuer is fired up and filled according to the shares-issuer data. For each epoint the usernote can have dividendMD=...<MD>.... to mark the account where he wants the dividends. After this (in a finite interval, say 1 month) the dividend can be spent or redeemed.
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